Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Air Up There

He's looking at life from a new perspective! Time is going way too fast, and although he still enjoys playing under the mat on his back.....sitting up and looking around has become a new favorite. He likes to see what's going on - perhaps because his brother is constantly racing around or maybe he's just a little bit nosy! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Need a Haircut

For one reason or another, a haircut appt has taken a backseat to other things going on. So, during bathtime, we had some fun with his long hair. And all I could think of was a silly childhood song....."I need a hair-air-air-air cut. I need a haircut. I really need a haircut!"

I have been trying to remind myself that things happen for a reason. Although a busy schedule often drives me crazy....we would not have had this awfully fun bathtime filled with lots of laughs!